Re: Proposed Resort & Marina on Bonefish Flats

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Posted by Bill Everett on March 22, 2002 at 17:17:49:

In Reply to: Proposed Resort & Marina on Bonefish Flats posted by Charles Carey on March 22, 2002 at 12:05:43:

: I have just returned from the District Council Office where I was allowed to review the application submitted. Here are the facts.
: The applicant is Mr. Tyrone Roberts of Dick's Point Road, Nassau. P.O. Box SS 6070. Tel 242-393-8173 (Bus.) 242-393-7300 (Res.). He has filed an application for a 5 year conditional purchase lease of 32 acres of crown land consisting of the bank north and west of the power plant (Girls Bank)on which he intends to erect a resort and marina at an estimated cost of $2.2 million. The application for lease of crown lands is dated Feb 26, 2002. He has also filed an application under the Building Regulations Act, the Town Planning Act 1961 & the Private Roads and Supervision Act 1961 to construct the resort and marina buildings, roads etc. There is an artist sketch accompanying the applications which shows a network of canals, islands, roads and bridges spanning the existing bonefish flats with docks, buildings to house guest services and restaurants, boutiques and shops and about 36 guest cottages scattered about the outer islands of the development.
: A public meeting has been scheduled to address this proposal. It will be held on April 4 at 7:30 pm at the Anglican Parish Hall on Colebrook Street. Everyone should attend.

+++++++++ THANK YOU, CHARLES! ++++++++++++++++++
Thanks for putting a name on the Enemy. Thanks for the logical approach to allow cool heads to set a strategy to defeat the arrogant developers!
This man only cares about lining his pockets with MONEY through a scheme that will rape our natural habitat, destroy the patrimony that is a gift to us from our Heavenly Creator. These evil people only care about what they can suck out of the land so they can move on down the road to strike again somewhere else. Look at what happened to our once beautiful Pigeon Island as an example! Our Island Leaders must stand firm as men of virtue and conviction against these evil elements of Satan. Nuff Said.
Bill Everett

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