Marine Biologist Speaks Out on Girls Bank Proposal

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Posted by Dr. Albert Jones on March 23, 2002 at 16:35:39:

Marine Biologist Speaks Out

Brilanders need to rise up in horror to protest the proposed Roberts plan to build a marina facility on Girls Bank in Harbour Island. They need to realize the irreparable harm to the marine environment and the inevitable long-term economic damage to the community that would result.

As a professional marine biologist, with over 30 years’ experience working in this environmental area, I know degradation to the marine environment would result from a project of this nature. I also know, from experience in America, long-term economic harm would result to the Harbour Island community. What would begin as economic gain for one or a few individuals would eventually turn into an albatross of economic sluggishness and depression for the entire community. This has already happened at places in America that have “lost out” by approval of short-sighted “development” projects.

Think a moment. Now you can often observe a half dozen to a dozen bonefishermen on Girls Bank. After the project, you would see none! The present proliferation of small-scale dredging along the harbour shores and out in the harbour itself attests to the deleterious habitat changes that follow disruption of natural processes. This is apparent to any careful observer. What makes Harbour Island different from a thousand other vacation spots in the world? It is its pristine marine waters and beaches. Destroy these natural resources and the uniqueness of the island and its economic base as a tourist draw will suffer immeasurably. Destroy these natural resources and Harbour Island will no longer be unique and people will find other places to spend their vacation and tourist dollars.

I urge Brilanders to think seriously about this issue and its long term consequences. Take a strong position and express your opinion to community leaders and decision makers. This must not happen to Harbour Island.

Dr. Albert C. Jones, Ph.D.
Marine Biologist (Retired)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U. S. Department of Commerce

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