What a Pity: We may Lose India!

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Posted by Dave on May 01, 2002 at 07:03:14:

In the May edition of "Tattler" Magazine the author of an article on India Hicks (referring to congestion and the island's "discovery") says: "...all this traffic is why India and David have spent the last year refurbishing her family home next door on Eleuthera. Much to their dismay, Harbour Island is no longer the remote hideaway they chose to raise a family on six years ago. It has grown increasingly fashionable and is on the verge of becoming a 'baby St. Bart's during Christmas and Easter.' Some fear that it is only a matter of a few more Jimmy Hendrix purple-haze sunsets before they see P Diddy and his gold-chained entourage jet skiing past the Landing, and 18th. century inn, restaurant and shop that India and David restored and now own..." The closing: "...'But as soon as Harbour Island truly becomes St. Bart's , we'll move on'" Where will they go? "Ah, now that's the great mystery," she says mischievously." What a pity.

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