Cingular cellular phone service on Eleuthera

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Posted by Big Dilly on July 05, 2001 at 09:45:02:

Thought there might be some folks out there interested in the response that John Morehouse got from Cingular about cell phone sevice in the
Bahamas. If anyone has had any experience with cell phones in the Harbour Island or Eleuthera area, it would be great to hear from you.

Roaming service is available in the Bahamas through the local wireless
provider, Batelco. Due to restricted roaming capacity, customers who
wish to roam in the Bahamian Islands need pre-approval to be loaded in
the local network. Charges while roaming include a $3.00 Daily Fee, and
a per minute airtime rate of 99¢, plus long distance charges. Pending
approval of your application, a $15 set-up fee will be billed to the
following monthly statement, per mobile. Due to capacity limitations,
and to accommodate the requests of all Cingular Wireless subscribers,
certain restrictions apply:

- All accounts MUST be current. Should your account have a past due
balance, your application will be denied.
- A maximum of one month's time is permitted for roaming.
- Applying for roaming in the Bahamas, does NOT guarantee service will
be provided.

Unfortunately, the roaming capacity for the Bahamas is filled until
07/15/01. For future travels, please be advised that cellular usage in
the Bahamas can be relatively high during certain times of the year. To
ensure process of your application in a timely manner, please contact us
upon your initial intent to travel. If you have planned for any
additional visits to the Bahamian Islands anytime after this date, we
will be glad to begin the application process at this time. However, if
your travels are prior to the date provided above, consider renting a
cellular phone in the Bahamas for $10.00 per day, plus usage charges.
For additional information, please contact Batelco's Customer Service
Department at (242) 3o2 7827.

If you have other questions or need further assistance, please contact
us via our web site at Please remember to
bookmark our web site for future reference. We realize that there are
many choices in the wireless market, and we thank you for choosing
Cingular Wireless!

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